Any help with starting and running a Lady Hawkins organization for Schools and Hospitals is warmly appreciated.

Who was she?

Not just a Lady – or several Ladies – but also a school, and a hospital and a luxury ocean liner!

Lady Hawkins

There were of course more than one Lady Hawkins throughout history, but perhaps the most prominent one would be Lady Margaret (Vaughn) Hawkins, second wife and widow of the famed Admiral Sir John Hawkins.

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Lady Hawkins’ School

The school was founded on 29 September 1632 with funding from the estate of Lady Hawkins and is still operational today.
Lady Hawkins’ School is a 11-16 secondary school housed in updated facilities in Kington County of Herefordshire, UK.

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Hazel Hawkins Memorial Hospital

Founded in 1907 with funds donated from Mr. T. S. Hawkins in honor of his granddaughter, this hospital in Hollister, CA, is a full-service, 25-bed, facility with additional community health centers and more.

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RMS Lady Hawkins

Not to be confused with
HMS Hawkins, the
RMS Lady Hawkins was a Canadian steam turbine ocean liner. She was one of a luxury class of five sister ships popularly known as “Lady Boats”.

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Where do we go from here?

The current time is full of turmoil. The new president of the United States is deeply engrossed in making policy changes seemingly akin to declaring a trade war – not entirely contained to the American continent.
It is my humble opinion that this is the Grand start to the Age of Aquarius – possibly to be baptized by a great meltdown of economies worldwide – and as such a phenomenal opportunity to prepare for the rebuilding of a New Earth.
What this looks like remains to be seen, but one thing certain; if we do not have our say now, we may never see our dream of Human Values being honored, but instead suddenly find ourselves on a slippery slope towards global slavery.

What do we really want?

A Free World is of course at the top of the list, and getting there as soon as we can! A very reasonable request on the way there is a demand for the release of technologies long hidden from us; Medbeds, flying cars, unlimited free energy devices, and many more that we “are not supposed to know about for another hundred years”.
We have US Navy Ships running on saltwater engines. So why not cars?
More people every day are learning to “follow the money” and see straight through the veils of greed and corruption.
The main goal of this web site is to fight for access to Medbeds, for all of humanity.

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